Located 90 miles southeast of Tucson and nestled among the Mule Mountains, Bisbee is the picturesque county seat of historic Cochise County.The community was founded in 1880, and quickly became a thriving urban center, driven by a booming mining industry that thrived on the area’s rich reserves of copper and precious metals.Bisbee is more than just a geographical location, it’s a state of mind. Nestled in Cochise County’s Mule Mountains at an elevation of 5,350ft. The preservation of its history has been an important aspect to Bisbee’s citizens. “Historic Bisbee” is a registered National Historic District. Bisbee remained an active mining community until the mid-1970’s. When the mine closed, a tremendous shift occurred in the local population. As many mining employees and their families left to pursue work elsewhere, an influx of artistic entrepreneurs found Bisbee’s historic district to be an attractive, inspiring, and inexpensive location to settle and pursue their artistic endeavors. Bisbee thrives today with not only the locals but also the tourists that flood the beautiful little town for all sorts of events and community activities.Principal Economic ActivitiesMining in the Mule Mountains was quite successful, and Bisbee proved to be one of the richest mineral sites in the world, producing nearly three million ounces of gold and more than eight billion pounds of copper, not to mention the silver, lead and zinc that came from these rich lands. Along with Bisbee’s cosmopolitan character, the colorful, rough edges of the mining camp could still be found in the notorious Brewery Gulch, with its saloons and brothels. In its heyday, the Gulch boasted nearly 50 saloons and was considered the one of the liveliest spots in the west. Historic taverns still retain the rich character and boom-town flavor of this period.Scenic AttractionsBisbee’s history and its art are intertwined as one strolls the narrow streets and alleys, as well as Bisbee’s 350 historic staircases. Enter another time when you visit a museum housed in an 1890s building that was the first rural Smithsonian Affiliate, or experience what it was like to be a miner at the Copper Queen Mine Tour. Various types of Tours will take you in and around Old Bisbee and the surrounding areas teaching the rich history of Bisbee.Today, Bisbee’s extraordinarily well-preserved early-twentieth-century downtown draws visitors from around the world, who appreciate its historic architecture, it’s welcoming, creative spirit and its cool climate. Bisbee also serves as an ideal overnight home-base for visitors – birders, hikers, wine-tasters, music-appreciators, and others who wish to explore our geologically, biologically and culturally rich “Sky Islands” region.
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