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February 15, 2025
The Hona News

Greens Hail Victoria’s Treaty Authority Database Launch | Mirage News

Greens Hail Victoria’s Treaty Authority Database Launch | Mirage News

The Victorian Greens welcome the launch of Victoria’s Treaty Authority database today, marking the first time that First Nations can formally request to enter a treaty with an Australian government.

Victoria’s Treaty Authority is the first body to facilitate treaty talks with First Nations people across the country. The database launched today will hold information detailing which land and waters a proposed Treaty covers and the status of negotiations.

The Victorian Greens say that this is an historic day and marks the first step in which First Nations people can formally request to enter a treaty with the state of Victoria.

The Greens congratulate the Treaty Authority for their work and look forward to the next steps in the Treaty process.

As stated by Ellen Sandell, Leader of the Victorian Greens:

“This is an historic day for Victoria, but also across the nation. For the first time across the country, First Nations people will be able to formally request to enter a Treaty.

“A Treaty is for everyone and paves the way for us to come together as Victorians.

“The establishment of this database is an historic step closer to a Treaty that delivers justice, peace, rights and healing for First Nations people in Victoria.

“This week in Federal Parliament, the Greens will introduce a bill for the first nation-wide truth and justice commission.”

As stated by Samantha Ratnam, Greens spokesperson for First Nations Justice

“We know that this has only been possible because of the tireless advocacy and fight for justice from First Nations communities across Victoria who’ve led the way calling for truth-telling and treaties.”

“The Yoorook Justice Commission as part of this process has been doing groundbreaking work demonstrating that we can’t forge a just future without reckoning with the past.”

“We hope this historic Treaty process in Victoria can pave the way for truth telling and treaty across the country.”

/Public Release. This material from the originating organization/author(s) might be of the point-in-time nature, and edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does not take institutional positions or sides, and all views, positions, and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s).View in full here.

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